1030 S McHenry Ave.
Crystal Lake, IL 60014
815-477-8118 Order Online

Contact Us at Tony’s Cafe

At Tony’s Café we pride ourselves on using the best ingredients and making sure you have a fantastic experience form the moment you step inside the restaurant. If you have any questions, comments or concerns about Tony’s Café, please let us know!

Hours of Operation

Monday 6:30AM-2:00PM
Tuesday 6:30AM-2:00PM
Wednesday 6:30AM-2:00PM
Thursday 6:30AM-2:00PM
Friday 6:30AM-8:00PM
Saturday 6:30AM-2:00PM
Sunday 6:30AM-2:00PM

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 Our Location
Tony’s Café
1030 McHenry Ave.
Crystal Lake, Il 60014

Tony's Cafe
1030 S McHenry Ave. Crystal Lake, IL 60014
815-477-8118 tonyscafecl@gmail.com